How To Avoid Costly Laptop Repair

Perhaps no greater tragedy could occur for any person using a laptop than to watch the machine they rely on for work “die” quite so suddenly. With a “dead” laptop, they will, in all likelihood, have to delay a project, lose a great deal of data they failed to save, and spend a significant amount of money to bring the machine back to life by going to a computer repair shop (not to mention suffer through painful stress). But these do not have to happen to you — unless, of course, your computer does not have an updated anti-virus software and you accidentally download an online virus, then you really will need to get your laptop repaired.

Barring any scenario of a virus infecting your computer, there are other things you can do to avoid getting a costly — and in some cases, time-consuming — laptop repair. Observe the following steps to ensure your laptop steers clear of any inconvenient mending.

Keep it clean. A clean laptop does not only look smashingly good, but it also keeps the dust from damaging your machine. So make sure you give your laptop a good and gentle wiping using a soft, dry cloth; do turn it off before you give it a clean. Wipe the monitor with loving, gentle strokes so as not to create any distracting lines that may result from severe wiping. Use a proper brush to clear your keyboard of any dust or debris. Do the external clean up twice a week, maybe more if you happen to work outdoors quite often. 

Eat, drink, and be merry — but never near your laptop. Yes, it is tempting to down a few Frappuccinos or finish-off a bottle of Merlot and savour a chicken fajita or a double cheese pizza while you work on a presentation. But here’s the thing: drinks will spill and food will leave sticky residue. Both might just damage your laptop.

Never type in anger. Unlike the old typewriter, which needed a good banging on the keys, your laptop’s keyboard requires subtlety. Tap lightly and the letters or the symbols will come out on the document you have opened. Pounding on your laptop’s keys like an enraged man may damage your keyboard and let the keys come right off. 

Get IT specialists before you even need their help. From software and hardware upgrades to basic IT support, you will want access to expert help because maintenance may just save your laptop from an emergency repair.